Many people do not check their personal house cover and on many policies they cover travel up to a certain limit. The same for MH insurance as again in some cases it also covers medical bills if the MH is involved in an collision.
Your emergency treatment in Spain is NOT free, it is charged on your EHIC card, however they would treat you without a card if it was life or death and then afterwards you WILL receive a bill to be paid. Many "ex pats" here in Spain are using/were using the EHIC card even though they no longer live in the UK period. This has now changed and the hospital will do checks before treatment and there have been cases here in Spain were they have been refused treatment.
Because we retired early it took us 2 years to get in the Spanish medical system and get a Spanish EHIC card, which unlike the UK/EU one only covers us for 90 days total a year outside Spain as they refuse to give 365 day cover. Just another area Spain bends the rules.........
Bottom line you WILL get treatment in ANY hospital in ANY country in EU without EHIC card if it is LIFE THREATENING, however afterwards you will get a bill.
Below is a great link for those who are not sure of the medical cover requirements for where they are going:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Medical cover should be first thing on your "MH checklist" before travel.