Finally got around to adding an advanced search option where you can filter by facilities.
Should be easy enough to use but simply
Enter address to find (this can be a town, district, region, post code etc)
Set a search radius (20km is the default max 50km)
All the available sites will be displayed in a table and an adjacent map.
Open the filter to refine the results
Only those 'types' of sites and facilities that are in the initial search will be active
Clicking any will refine the list and update on the table and map
Once the initial search is performed, all the filtering is done in the browser (without having to re-query the database) so is particularly quick - a feature I am particularly chuffed with and is the start of getting the whole thing working offline
Check it out here:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]You can also use it with a predefined search if people ask "anyone know any sites near such and such" you can include the search location in the url by adding
?address=placetofind to the end of the url
example with predifined search:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]As usual, any feedback welcomed.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]