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Wellie....boots...spam ....an intrusion of our civil liberties
3 posters
Posts : 567 Join date : 2013-07-05 Age : 77 Location : Yarkshire man Through and Through now living in France ..."Todmordenn".?? Where is Todmorden.. I heard somebody say "Todmorden" it is in Lancashire.... Thank goodness...Ken you nearly had me going there
Subject: Wellie....boots...spam ....an intrusion of our civil liberties Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 8:59
these are Not the actual photo's sent to us... but ones of identical size and colours sent by persons at one time we called Friends....I could not use the actual photo's due to the persons holding the wellie's Pots !!! some sent by an english neighbour that has a property in France...this is GETTING TO one of the world’s most deadly outbreaks[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Posts : 7171 Join date : 2012-11-13 Age : 63 Location : Wherever I park
Subject: Re: Wellie....boots...spam ....an intrusion of our civil liberties Sun 31 Aug 2014 - 21:02
Ha ha, you'll soon be charging people to come in and look at your collection
_________________ Keeping Leapys boat sailing [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Posts : 5732 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 74 Location : Stockport Cheshire
Tourist information as the info on your wellies and your address Apparently tourist can call and get a piece of pork pie and a glass of red and a tour round
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Subject: Re: Wellie....boots...spam ....an intrusion of our civil liberties
Wellie....boots...spam ....an intrusion of our civil liberties