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FREE Carbon Monoxide Alarm worth £29.95 in tomorrows (Tuesday) Daily Express, gotta be worth having one if they are truly free.I will buying it tomorrow and see what the craic is.
Posts : 4766 Join date : 2012-11-13 Age : 80 Location : Southport
Well guys n dolls forgot to mention that when we arrived home there was our free £69 Carbon Monoxide detector, nice piece of equipment so now I can sleep safely at night knowing Barb cannot gas me.
The Burchies
Posts : 3981 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 111 Location : Bournemouth
Going to fit the FREE carbon monoxide alarm I received from British Gas in the m/h today so now I can sleep easy at night in Spanish/French service area (not on your nelly)