g'day fellow Motorhomers,
we are glenys and fred chase and we live in the gers region of south-west france.
our campingcar is an Adria Matrix 650 SK, called Ned, which we bought more or less from new, only 6000km's on the clock, from a local dealer. previous to this we were tuggers for ten years but as france is so campingcar friendly it was a natural progression. we have had plenty of local runs plus a three month junket to spain earlier in the year. the next little run is down to northern spain-western portugal-back up through central spain outing.
we have two cats, a mother and daughter who basically found us, and they come with us on all our runs and absolutely love it.
we are a couple of ex-Royal Navy suppliers so if there are any of you who are ex-Mob come aboard to swing the lamp and spin a dit or two.