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Posts : 7172 Join date : 2012-11-13 Age : 63 Location : Wherever I park
Subject: Motor-Homers Property Log Wed 17 May 2017 - 21:18
Coleman event shelter Deluxe 1 - Paul Jollins Coleman event shelter Deluxe 2 - Ken Coleman event shelter 1 - Ken Coleman event shelter 2 - Ken Each event shelter has a box of 20 ground pegs with it.
_________________ Keeping Leapys boat sailing [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Last edited by KSH on Tue 29 May 2018 - 12:20; edited 2 times in total
Posts : 1644 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 76 Location : NW Leicestershire
Subject: Re: Motor-Homers Property Log Sat 27 May 2017 - 9:11
Coleman event shelter Deluxe 1 - John Sutcliffe Coleman event shelter Deluxe 2 - Paul Jollins Coleman event shelter 1 - Paul Jollins Coleman event shelter 2 - Polly
Each event shelter has a box of 20 ground pegs with it.
Boules trophy is being held by Chameleon is taking it to Bridlington Bingo Machine - Ambilkate Motor-Homers banner 1 - Chameleon taking one to Bridlington Motor-Homers banner 2 - Polly
_________________ Keeping Leapys boat sailing [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Posts : 5733 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 74 Location : Stockport Cheshire
Posts : 629 Join date : 2016-01-13 Age : 66 Location : Shropshire
Subject: Re: Motor-Homers Property Log Sat 15 Jun 2019 - 0:43
Have passed bingo machine on to Polly as we are not down to go to Bridlington.
Posts : 7172 Join date : 2012-11-13 Age : 63 Location : Wherever I park
Subject: Re: Motor-Homers Property Log Sat 15 Jun 2019 - 14:09
Coleman event shelter Deluxe 1 - Steve and Denise Coleman event shelter Deluxe 2 - Paul Jollins Coleman event shelter 1 - Paul Jollins Coleman event shelter 2 - Quicksam
Each event shelter has a box of 20 ground pegs with it.
Boules trophy is being held by Chameleon is taking it to Bridlington Bingo Machine - Polly Motor-Homers banner 1 - Chameleon taking one to Bridlington Motor-Homers banner 2 - Polly
_________________ Keeping Leapys boat sailing [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
Posts : 5733 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 74 Location : Stockport Cheshire
Just going to update what I have and it's been done I have the bingo card game as well Will have to look in the van see if anything else is squashed in there somewhere
Posts : 7172 Join date : 2012-11-13 Age : 63 Location : Wherever I park