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Posts : 5732 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 74 Location : Stockport Cheshire
Subject: Tom and Frank Tue 26 Jun 2018 - 19:16
hia Tom you said about a wine from Aldi Can't find where I've wrote it down What was it
Frank if Toms not answering can you ask him for me
Posts : 1758 Join date : 2012-11-14 Age : 63 Location : iceland
Subject: Re: Tom and Frank Tue 26 Jun 2018 - 20:08
Posts : 5732 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 74 Location : Stockport Cheshire
Subject: Re: Tom and Frank Tue 26 Jun 2018 - 22:09
Thanks Found the info Knew I'd wrote it somewhere On the back of my raffle ticket which was pegged up in the m/H. Wondered what that raffle ticket was for.
Posts : 5732 Join date : 2012-11-15 Age : 74 Location : Stockport Cheshire
Subject: Re: Tom and Frank Wed 27 Jun 2018 - 14:32