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Posts : 7172 Join date : 2012-11-13 Age : 63 Location : Wherever I park
Subject: Booking meets Tue 8 Jun 2021 - 20:51
Can i ask, if you are putting your name down for a meet, or putting someone elses name down, will you PLEASE use the forum username and NOT proper names.
To attend one of our rallies, you HAVE to be in the rally group (I do this so don't worry, it's not something you need to do), and the names in the rally group MUST match the names down on the meets list, this list is forwarded to our insurers and if they happen to check and see we are not doing this, our insurance policy premium will increase, instead of paying a premium for 50 or 60 members, we could end up paying for 1104 as the membership stands now
I've just spent an hour going through the lists, rally group etc It seems to be the same names every time, but next time if folk insist on using these names, easiest option will be for me to change their username to those that keeps being used
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